If you ask me, those two new improvements would be more than enough for me to finally update my trusty old Cubase 8.5, but those are just two improvements that stick out from a long list of many additional ones. This drag and drop option puts my workflow on Warp speed.

The first thing that I did was create a new folder inside Plug-in Manager for my favorite plug-ins, applying thumbnails for third party plug-ins, and then I was able to find an appropriate tool in a few seconds. No matter if it’s an effect or instrument. Now we can easily drag and drop any plug-in that is installed on our system into the arrangement window. The whole Variaudio capability is impressive, but for me the most appealing new addition is the new drag and drop function inside Media Buy. The next thing that I really appreciate is that Variaudio can warn you if any note is not in the key of the song, as long as you use a reference track. That perfect vocal take is not an unattainable dream anymore. You can even change the formant curve with just a single click. It is now so easy to warp, shift, center the pitch or straighten the pitch for every note. Variaudio 3 lifted the whole concept to a new level, allowing you to fix any pitch issue without switching between different tools. Natural sounding pitch adjustments allowed you to endlessly experiment with different harmonies. Even the previous version of Variaudio proves to be a real lifesaver, especially when working with different harmony variations, as it allows you to tame or even harmonize any vocal line.
With the new version it gets even better, offering far more than similar software on any other DAW. It has saved a great many vocal takes on my compositions. That’s understandable because Variaudio was already one of the best pitch correction tools on the market. Thankfully, Cubase 10 finally implemented some of those really cool improvements and options, bringing it up to date, adding functions that can speed up workflow drastically.Įveryone’s talking about Variaudio 3. I’ve spent many years working with this DAW, but there are some really user-friendly things that some other DAWs have implemented in the meantime, and Steinberg somehow didn’t follow suit with their previous version. I had a long conversation with one of the Steinberg developers at their Musikmesse stand, talking about all the things that I still lack in Cubase. Nothing appealed to me enough to make me start thinking about the upgrade. I skipped version 9 of Cubase, as even though it offered some new and interesting solutions and improvements. So, let’s take the new features of Cubase 10 for a test drive. A round number brings some long-awaited solutions.