That’s piles of 5 on the right and piles of 6 on the left (turned-up card included). You’re using the same amount of cards in the same format. Play ends when you’ve succeeded in creating all 8 “builds,” or suited King-through-Ace sequences, or when no more moves are possible.ġDeal out your cards in the same fashion as you would with the one-suit version.Take care to keep the completed sequences separate from the stockpile you set aside after the initial deal.Playing with one suit is fairly doable, but when you hit two and four it becomes rather difficult.ĨRemove King-through-Ace sequences from play as you succeed in creating them. When you run out of stock cards to add and can’t do anything, wah wah.Deal one card face-up from the stock onto each of the 10 card stacks, then continue play. If you’re looking at your tableau and you don’t see anything you can possibly do, turn to your stock. Simply take a card (or a bunch) from a stack and place it in the empty column.ħUse the stock when you run out of moves. You cannot use the stockpile if you have any empty columns to fill.Once you deplete all the cards from a particular pile, you can fill the empty space with any face-up card or descending sequence of suited cards. You cannot leave any piles unturned (why would you want to?). For example, the K-Q-J-10-9 or 5-4-3 (of any suit) can be moved together as a single unit.ĦTurn face-down cards face-up as they become uncovered. You can only move several face-up cards together if they’re all in descending order. You can move the card closest to you in each face up stack to another stack at your convenience.Place each new card slightly lower than the card you’re playing it on, so you can still see the value and suit of each previously played card.For example, a Queen of any suit can go on top of a King of any suit a 7 of any suit can go on top of an 8 of any suit. Move any face-up card onto a card with the next-highest value in the deck, regardless of suit.This pile is known as the “stock.” You’ll be drawing from it when you run out of moves on your tableau.ĥBuild sequences of cards in descending order by doing the following: The first 4 piles should now contain a total of 6 cards (with the uppermost card face up) and the last 6 piles should now contain a total of 5 cards (uppermost card face up).ĤSet the rest of the combined decks aside, face down. Each of the first 4 piles should contain 5 cards, and the last 6 piles should each contain 4 cards.AdvertisementģDeal another card, face up, on each of the 10 piles.

Each card should be face down and vertically oriented. Otherwise you’d need way more decks!ĢDeal 10 piles of cards out in a horizontal line. For this, don’t take any cards out (apart from the jokers) - just look past the suits and pretend they’re all the same. 7 About This Article Steps Playing One Suit Spider SolitaireġShuffle 2 decks of playing cards together.